A Brief History of the Grand Theatre

The Grand Theatre first opened in Williamstown, New Jersey in 1924. Located on Main Street in a busy part of town, the theater was originally home to silent films before becoming the first movie theater in the area. Since then, the building has been used on and off for many different types of entertainment. Since 2004, it has provided a home for The Road Company, a local performing group who had been searching for the perfect place to display their plays. Audiences were treated to fantastic shows in the comfort of an old-time theater with historical significance.

Unfortunately, the building's age presented maintenance issues. While many portions have been restored, others were not in ideal condition. On May 14, 2010, part of the roof of the Grand Theatre collapsed. Thankfully, there was no performance that night, and only minor injuries were sustained by apartment residents in the back of the building during the accident. However, The Road Company was forced to close its doors until repairs are made.

The Grand Theatre

The Grand Theatre
Pictured is one of the earliest photos of the Grand available at this time.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Action at the Grand Is at a Standstill

The Road Company has yet to begin sorting through the rubble that formally formed the roof of the Grand Theatre. If one were to look at the classic building from the front, things would appear to be in order. However, a passerby who takes the back route would see otherwise.

It appears that repairing the theater's roof is a distant task. Cleaning up the mess will present a large challenge in itself, and construction will most likely be put off until the removal process is complete.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Failed Attempt to Retrieve Old Photos

An ideal comparison of the theater the way it was and the way it is now would have included photos of the building during many eras. Unfortunately, a trip to the local historic society proved fruitless. Both the society and The Road Company have been unable to find photos, though they are actively looking. In the meantime, check back for an interview with a local resident who remembers the theater as it was and can provide a more vivid description.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Town Council Meeting Does Not Address Theater

The May 18, 2010 meeting of the Monroe Township Town Council provided no further insight as to what direction The Grand will take from this point. Unfortunately, because of recent school board elections and budget questions, many of the recent meetings have been centered around taxes and other financial matters. These are obviously legitimate concerns, and it is simply unfortunate that the theater collapse occurred at such a busy time of year. Until other issues have been resolved, The Grand may find itself continually pushed to the back burner.


Monday, May 17, 2010

Fundraiser To Help Repair Theater

The Road Company was aware that the harsh winter weather had taken a toll on the old Theatre building, and had planned a fundraiser even prior to the roof's collapse. The May 15 event went on as planned, and the turnout was tremendous. Held annually, the fundraiser usually hosts approximately 100 people and raises about $3,000. Both of these figures were doubled this year, with local residents apparently aware and concerned about the historic landmark.